The year of the Infographic

The Internet!!

This is the year of the infographic, is it not?! Because of our fondness for the Internet over here I thought I’d share this one with you. Pretty interesting huh? If you follow us on twitter you probably also saw the infographic we tweeted about this morning which is hilaaarious. Shout out to the FarmVille fans out there ; )

Anyway TGIF (right?!). Have an awesome weekend everyone. Taking your Puck anywhere exciting?


Filed under digital art, internet, technology

4 responses to “The year of the Infographic

  1. teknophilia

    While reading my feeds, I’ve seen at least a few different info-graphics every day. While some of them are useful, I’ve also found that some have embedded meta-data that is used to bring them up in search rankings, and link to a website to make money (watch out!).

  2. Pingback: The year of the Infographic (via EvologyNow) | Chicago Mac/PC Support

  3. Pingback: An infographic on infographics | Don't drink the koolaid

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